"I am neither spurred on by excessive optimism nor in love with high ideals, but am merely concerned with the fate of the individual human being...that infinitesimal unit on whom a world depends, and in whom, if we read the Christian message aright, even God seeks his goal."
Dr. C.G. Jung, ' The Undiscovered Self '

April 17, 2012

SandBoxBlogs: SandBox Astrology "Rhythm and Flow Part One: "The conduit of Mars" "

Part One:
"Have you ever looked at the end of a piece of electrical wire after it has been sliced?  See all those multi-colored wires inside that sheath of rubber or plastic?

One of the theories in the study of Astrology, is that Mars is a conduit that holds the energy of the (4) personal planets.  Which are the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus.  Acting as the energy force that you use to propel yourself out into the world in all you do (and) representative of how others perceive the energy you release. 

It is the completed soul, or simply the wizened individual who has learned through the school of their own hard knocks that lives in complete balance at all times within the polarity of how we view ourselves and how others view us.

"What we each personally believe, comes forward from our perceptions throughout our lifetime. What we think we see, becomes what we believe. What we actually see, comes from what we perceive."

For the purposes of this brief post we'll summarize as we go.  Astrological theory considers the Sun in a natal chart as being representative of  the physical self and primarily our male energy.  The Moon is considered to be the feeling nature of the individual (not the emotional nature, that is the turf of Venus) and one's feminine and subconscious tendencies.  Mercury represents our ability to communicate with others and how others perceive what we are communicating.  Venus is representative of our emotional and desire natures.  Our inner child that longs and cravings that are instinctual.

When one analyzes their birth chart, simply working through the fascinating similarities to orthodox and more socially acceptable forms of personality and psychological evaluation, you can obtain great insight into what makes you tick in your world and your relationships.

Those personal energies (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus) all manifest themselves outwardly within the energy of your Mars.  Have you ever seen, for example, some big and burly guy who comes across sort of scary?  Yet  was a gentle giant when you interacted with him?  It's all in perception.

Let's do somewhat of a fast hack job on defining the theory of retrograde motion in Astrology.

Those planets in our universe are not perfectly round spheres.  They have canyons, mountains, land mass that is unexplained.  As does Earth, the Luminaries (Sun and Moon). 

They also each have a gravitational pull around our Sun.  Each has its own unique timing, rhythm and flow. 

Remember now, we're doing a quick hack job on the theory of retrogrades.  Basically, the theory comes down to the study of the timing of each planets own individual orbit.  That when the largest land mass meets the closest gravitational pull it can get in its cycle, its orbit slows down.  Once that passage is completed within orbit, the orbit 'speeds up' again.

In Astrological theory, retrograde motion reinforces characteristic of that planet energy that we 'relive' again.  Ever have the feeling like you keep going back over certain things in your life and certain experiences in your relationships?  Well, retrograde motion theory in Astrology has an uncanny tendency to coincide with more orthodox and socially acceptable forms of psych theories.  Such as puberty, mid-life crisis and such.

It takes the Earth just at a year (in human terms) to orbit the Sun.  Takes Mercury a little over a year.  Takes Venus aprx. 1.5 years. Mars aprx. 2 years.

From there, we have  Jupiter at roughly 13 to 14 years to complete orbit around the Sun and Saturn on an aprx. 29 yr. cycle.  Uranus runs roughly 83 to 84 years. Neptune around 171 years or so.  With Pluto at roughly 274 years to fully make one orbit around our Sun.  Of course, the Luminaries stay 'stationary'.

Mercury retrogrades around 3 times per year.  Venus every 1.5 years. Mars every 2 years.  The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) bounce back and forth in retro rhythms that can sometimes travel over the same points 3 to 5 times in various retro cycles because they move much slower than the inner planets.

Mars just went through retrograde transit in Virgo.  Next time I post, we'll talk in depth on this energy and what Mars retrograde cycles  have accomplished in world history.  Just as law enforcement, first responders and military pay attention to the rhythm of the Full Moon cycle each month; Mars retrograde has seen some of the biggest blood baths in war time and also harvested some of the most lasting peace.  There's that polarity thing again.

Until next time, stop and think about the choices you made for your life in 1998 and up to around 2001.  Then again in 2004, 2005.  Then more recently, from  Spring 2011 through early holidays 2011.  Recognize any patterns and/or choices that you have revisited from end of 2011 through April 14th when Mars was retrograde in Virgo?

Mars retro is an implosion of energy rather than an outward thrust as it normally is when in direct motion.
Whatever you see in the exercise above, likely either went stagnant in a spinning of wheels type of feeling over the past 4 months as Mars prepped and then moved retro into Virgo (or) whatever repressed you and held you down in that pattern you are mulling over, saw the implosion of 'not having to take it anymore' or the courage to move forward without constraints and fear give you the energy to finally break free.

It will take a few weeks to get fully up to speed again in normal ebb and flow for Mars.

Here's the kicker:

Venus hits her retrograde motion on aprx. May 5th.  Not uncommon but definitely is not a regular occurence for these two energies to co-mingle.

More on the cravings and desires of our emotions in backward motion in my next post.